
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

THE COACHING CAROUSEL - Fired/Hired coaches and much more!

THE COACHING CAROUSEL - Fired/Hired coaches and much more!

Well folks welcome back! Its 2018. Happy New Year!
Ya’ll ready for the NFL Playoffs?

For the first article of 2018 we’re going to tackle the bizarre NFL coaching carousel. Who’s fired, hired etc. Rumors.

Before we start here’s a list of all the coaches who got the boot in 2017.

John Fox, Chicago Bears
Jim Caldwell, Detroit Lions
Chuck Pagano, Indianapolis Colts
Ben McAdoo, New York Giants
Jack Del Rio, Oakland Raiders


Bruce Arians, Arizona Cardinals

General Managers Hired – David Gettleman – Fired GM- Jerry Reese. Rick Smith, Houston Texans, leave of absence. Ted Thompson, Green Bay Packers will be transitioning to another role within the organization.

Now here’s my take on coaches who are “safe” that should be fired immediately. Like I said this is MY opinion.

Marvin Lewis, Cincinnati Bengals: Lewis signed a two year contract through 2019. Now let’s take a look at this bizarre resigning. 125 career victories 2009 Coach of the year. 4 AFC North titles – 2005, 2009, 2013, 2015.  Now that’s pretty impressive right? Now look at this very important stat. 7 Postseason appearances ZERO playoff wins. Now Lewis does possess a very impressive resume but in the NFL the bottom line is winning and winning only. Coaches have been fired for a lot less after winning in the regular season and constantly losing in the post season. Does Marty Schottenheimer ring a bell? This is one “resigning” I do not understand and never will.

Dirk Koetter, Tampa Bay Buccaneers: The Buccaneers are retaining Dirk Koeteer for 2018 despite them missing the playoffs for the 10th straight season! He has a 14-18 career record with the team despite having what some say a loaded roster. Well on Offense. All they need is a defensive minded coordinator say like a Jack Del Rio. Yes I say Del Rio because when he doesn’t have much to worry about he’s a pretty good defensive coordinator. Anyway maybe because they lost out on the Jon Gruden sweepstakes they had to “settle” for Koetter.

Saved the best for last.

Hue Jackson, Cleveland Browns: Now face it, it’s obvious. He’s went 0-16! Last coach to do that in this era was Rod Marinelli from the 2008 Detroit Lions.  Check these stats and answer me why this guy’s still coaching. Last win Jackson got with the Browns  over the San Diego chargers on December 24th, 2016. His records since then have been 1-31. Now personally Hue seems like a good coach to be honest BUT that record though. How can that be justified. This is something since being a fan of the NFL for about 20 years I don’t and will never understand. Ah well eh.
Now here’s what I’m hearing from the grapevine and my resources in regards to who’s going where etc.

Jim Schwartz will be interviewing with the New York Giants and Chicago Bears.

Arizona Cardinals put in a request to interview Minnesota Vikings OC Pat Shurmur.

Get a load of this! Jim Harbaugh’s name has been thrown around but he says he’s happy where he is coaching the Wolverines. Sorry had to throw that in.

Josh McDaniel’s is the biggest and sexiest name out there. I’ve heard pretty much every opening is his if he wants it. Arizona, Chicago, New York, Detroit. But what I’ve been hearing is actually the Indianapolis Colts has caught his eye. Now now folks this is all speculation. Alright!

Another New England coordinator who’s coveted – Matt Patricia. He’s been linked to the Detroit Lions and New York Giants.

Steve Wilks, DC Carolina Panthers: Linked to the Arizona Cardinals, Giants and Bears.

And Finally John DeFlippo, QB coach Philadelphia Eagles. The master mind behind Carson Wntz. He’s been linked to Giants, Bears and Colts.

Well that’s if or now everyone. I look forward to 2018 AND STAY TUNED FOR A LOT MORE!
Take care for now.

Joe Jeremiah  

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